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第86番札所 補陀洛山 志度寺

86 Fudarakuzan Shidoji

ご本尊 十一面観音菩薩

ご利益 五穀豊穣 政教一致 商売繁盛、良縁

ご真言 おん まか きゃろにきゃ そわか

ご詠歌 いざさらば 今宵はここに志度の寺 いのりの声を 耳にふれつつ




The legend of a female diver
When Fujiwara no Fuhito send a sacred gem to Nara, it got stolen by a dragon. Thus he bestowed children with a female diver in Shido, and confessed what happened, and asked her to take it back. Though she took it back, she cut herself and poured blood which dragons hated to inside of herself and hid it inside of her body. Her dead reached ashore.
This temple was established for her. The name of the temple sometimes written “死度寺,” which also sounds Shidodera, but the kanji meaning death is used for shi in this name.



Kyokusui type Garden
The garden made at Muromachi period, and has 3000 g/m2.



An assemblage of stone statues
A lot of Buddha statues are at the back of the grounds of the temple. Each statue’s facial expression is different.




1102 Shido, Sanuki, Kagawa



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