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第81番札所 綾松山 洞林院 白峯寺

81 Ryosyozan Dorinin Shiromineji

ご本尊 千手観世音菩薩

ご利益 除病、長寿、夫婦円満、安産

ご真言 おん ばさらたらま きりく

ご詠歌 霜さむく 露白妙の寺のうち み名をとなうる 法のこえごえ



Shiromineji locates at Gosyokudai, a very quiet sacred ground, and Sutokujoko spend in his final years here.
Buddhist scriptures are heard in the grounds of temple, and the principle image of the twelve horary signs and seven deities of good luck are enshrined.


When Chisyodaishi found the sacred light on this mountain, an old man with white hair appeared. Chishodaishi realized this old man was Shiramine Daigongen, a deity of mountain. As his oraclea, using the sacred tree floating on Setonaikai, he carved thousand armed Avalokiteshwara and it became a principal image of this temple.




2635 Oumichō, Sakaide-shi, Kagawa



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